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Monday, March 19, 2012

March 19. . .Live Life Like an Iguana. . .Consciously

Live Life Like an Iguana. . .Consciously

Use the power of your subconscious mind and daily positive affirmations to create your own version of a happy and fulfilling life.  Your LiveLifeLike word for today is:
  • ConsciousAware of one's own existence, sensations, and thoughts and of one's environment; deliberately conceived or done; intentional.
Build your own positive internal dialog by repeating, silently or aloud, the following affirmation:

·         My Positive Affirmation:  I Live my Life Consciously, fully awake and aware of my Highest purpose for Being Who I Am.

Ponder the meaning of today’s LiveLifeLike word:

·         My Personal Guidance:   I am living in this present "NOW" moment as a physical manifestation of All That Is.  My life has purpose and meaning in the Grand Scheme of Things.  I am an intentional expression of Love.

Use the power of today’s positive affirmation to create your own Best Reality Today!

·         My Personal Call to Action:  How will I Live my Life Consciously today?

Release all negativity and access the endless resources of positive energy that are within you!
A Comment from Carolyn. . .

Who really knows what goes on in an iguana’s mind?  However, this photo makes me think that probably most beings on this planet, except perhaps for some humans, live thoroughly, deliberately, and consciously with direct intention and purpose.

Do you think the cardinal grubbing for worms in the soil is thinking about how boring that mockingbird looks sporting only dull brown/gray feathers?  Do you think the squirrel searching for hidden acorns is wondering what the weather will be like tomorrow?  Do you think the zebra grazing along the plains with its companions is sick and tired of the herd leader always deciding where to go?

Well, maybe they are, but I would think in the examples above that those creatures are concentrating very intently on their immediate purpose.  I imagine they are very aware of their environments and deliberately focusing on what they are doing at that moment.  They live in the present. . .in the NOW.

Today, vow to live your life consciously. . .focusing intently on your existence and appreciating the magnificence of your very existence.

Today. . .live your life like an iguana. . .Consciously!

Thanks for sharing this journey with me. . .
     Many Thanks and Smiles. . .Carolyn


Click on “comments” at the blog site, read what others are saying about today’s word, and share your own story of how you will live your life Consciously today!

A full year of unique daily affirmations!!

Photo courtesy of member rpichler at


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