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Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19. . .Live Life Like a Beagle Puppy. . .Joyfully

Live Life Like a Beagle Puppy. . . Joyfully

Use the power of your subconscious mind and daily positive affirmations to create your own version of a happy and fulfilling life.  Your LiveLifeLike word for today is:
  • Joyful: Experiencing, causing or showing a state of happiness or felicity; blissful.
Build your own positive internal dialog by repeating, silently or aloud, the following affirmation:

·         My Positive Affirmation: I Live my Life Joyfully, for the Universe is great in its Abundance!

Ponder the meaning of today’s LiveLifeLike word:

·         My Personal Guidance:  I rejoice in the magnificence of my Being!  I allow blissful Peace and Love to permeate my Soul.  All of Life is a Celebration of Joy

Use the power of today’s positive affirmation to create your own Best Reality Today!

·         My Personal Call to Action:  How will I Live my Life Joyfully today?

Release all negativity and access the endless resources of positive energy that are within you!
A Comment from Carolyn. . .

Aren't dogs truly the masters of joyfulness?  This puppy is just chewing away on a stick that he found on the ground, but can you imagine how much fun he is having?  He appears to be truly happy and blissful!

Young children are the same way.  Simply playing with pots and pans sometimes brings the happiest grin to a child’s face.

Think of something (or someone) in your life that puts a “grin above your chin.”  It doesn’t take much to make us happy.  You don’t need to have a lot of money, fancy clothes and jewelry, expensive cars, a huge house. . .none of those things are needed to make us happy

Today, find your bliss in something as commonplace as a stick on the ground.  

Today. . .live your life like a puppy. . .Joyfully!

Thanks for sharing this journey with me. . .
     Many Thanks and Smiles. . .Carolyn


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Photo courtesy of member sanmarks at


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